Shoebox Ministries

Got a story? We can help!
by Kathleen Schubitz

Journals boxed up or hidden under the bed
Maybe an idea keeps playin’ in your head

Papers tucked here and there, what’s your excuse
For not sharing, are you simply confused?

Stories you’ve locked up; too afraid to tell
Writing for whom, where will it sell?

The weaver has chosen many color a thread
It’s your story to be told; it needs to be read

The world waits upon you for a message to share
With people who understand, with people who care.

WHAT'S IN YOUR SHOEBOX?  Chances are if you are an aspiring writer, poet, songwriter, or artist, and have a desire to put your creative talents to work, you have some examples hidden in a box, notebook or computer file waiting to be shared.

Here is your chance, in an atmosphere of encouragement, understanding and appreciation, to express your creativity and let your light begin to shine.

Holidays are a busy time. Call us or email us to get up-to-date information for our next meeting.
The meeting time and location have changed:
Shoebox Ministries is offering a workshop, led by Carol Leff, a local published writer, speaker, and seminar leader (in conjunction with Kathleen Schubitz, Christian Author and Publisher) on Thursday, January 28th from 7-9 pm in Maitland. Call Carol at 407-645-0454 for address and directions.
Come join us for two hours of exploring your exciting future.

For more information, you may contact us by email or by phone: / / Telephone: 407-551-0734 / 407-645-0454.