Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Christmas Prayer

I've been away from blogging for awhile... getting settled in and establishing some sort of routine in my new surroundings... it has come with challenges and blessings.

Though I may not have written here, words and ideas are always flowing.  Everyone is quite busy this time of year, but I've written a short poem for all to share:

A Christmas Blessing

Let us remember
Christ in Christmas
Let us remember to
Love one another as He does.

Let us remember the King,
Through His suffering
He gave us eternity.
Let us remember the gifts
He has given us --
Love and forgiveness, without condition.

Let us remember
At Christmastime and always
to be a blessing
To those far and near,
In this season and
Throughout the coming year!

Until next year!

Kathleen "Kathy" Schubitz

Thursday, November 25, 2010


To everyone –

A Thanksgiving poem written last year. I thought it was worth sharing. It will be printed in the B/W revised edition of …In His Presence.

May you and every life you touch be blessed beyond measure!


A time to be grateful
Put away all things hateful

We can live without strife
He paid the price for our life

Circumstances can alter our attitude
Attitude will determine our altitude

We can enjoy every day we’re living
Because the Lord keeps on giving

Wondering and guessing
How He keeps on blessing

Remember your loved ones
You’re a cared-about someone

With thanksgiving in our heart
We can each do our part

With thanks and with giving
We’ve got something with which to praise Him!

© Kathleen Schubitz
November 26, 2009

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Shoebox Ministries Workshop

Our gathering on August 28 was a wonderful success. 

Everyone shared personal experiences with the group.  Our new and upcoming authors and poets had time to share stories and poems... what talent everyone had!

If you weren't able to join us at the Library, it's not too late to begin participating and see what might creatively evolve from your writing talent.

Read more, Write more... and tell a friend about us!

We look forward to seeing you at the next workshop!



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fun Psychological Test...

Part 1 - You can do this by yourself, but it's always more fun in a group.

List 3 words that describe your favorite color

List 3 descriptive words of your favorite animal

List 3 words you think of when you think of darkness

List 3 words that describe water.

Are you ready for the answers?!  Stay posted!


Monday, August 23, 2010

Can You Feel It?

This is from an assignment I had in school back in 2007.
I am happy when I am pleasing to my Heavenly Father in every thought, word, and deed.

Jesus’ heart beats as he’s walking and is drawn away by the aroma of perfume. He follows the path of the scent that leads him to a rose garden. He reaches out and gently embraces the exquisite beauty of one aromatic red rose unfolding its effervescence on a bright sunny day. He desires to clip the irresistibly fragrant rose from the garden, but he hears the Father say, “Let it remain so it will receive the proper nutrients, fertilizer, nourishment and nurturing, to become an exquisite life-giving rose, perfumed with a sweet-smelling fragrance, for ALL to enjoy.”

© Kathleen Schubitz / July 14, 2007

This is how the Father feels about his children.

Be blessed!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Connie's Blog Tour Continues.. and so do your chances to Win!

We all have those dark times in our lives when nothing seems to go right and we wonder where God is. We need to remember that God hasn’t gone anywhere, it is that we have wandered away or closed God out!

Comforting Presence

What a comfort it is to know
That God is always here,
Anywhere that we may go
God’s presence is ever near.

Though at times we may not feel,
And are often unaware
Of this presence, it is very real,
Filled with loving care.

Through even the hardest day
And in the darkest night,
God is a bright and shining ray
Providing peace and light.

With open hearts accept God’s grace
Along with comfort and peace,
And rest assured that in every place
God’s love will never cease.

© Connie Arnold, 2010
photo © Gary Strader
from Abundant Comfort and Grace

The schedule for the tour is posted at http://www.conniearnold.blogspot.com in case you missed any stops and would like to go back and read the posts. Hope you can visit Free Spirit Blog at http://theoldsilly.com for the final post tomorrow.

Be sure to leave comments to receive entries to drawings for a free copy of my first book, Beautiful Moments of Joy and Peace, and a $10 Amazon gift certificate.

There will also be a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift certificate from those purchasing Abundant Comfort and Grace.

Purchase a signed copy at http://www.conniearnold.webs.com/ using PayPal or check, from RPJ & Company (http://www.store.rpjandco.com/) or Amazon and contact Connie Arnold (beautifulmomentsofjoyandpeace@yahoo.com) with confirmation of your online purchase.

May God's abundant comfort and grace be with you always!


Monday, August 9, 2010

The Elephant Story continues

The Elephant in my computer and office were trying to have babies.  By the grace of God, with the mind of Christ to serve me, I have conquered them all.  I now am qualified to be a Zoo keeper!!

If you have an elephant weighing you down, give me a call. I'm sure I can help!

Blessings to all!


We can be found on Facebook and Linkedin, too!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Computer Died...

Hard lesson to learn.  I've had to redirect my creativity into learning new ways of working and making backups of my work.

I was hit hard without all documentation and files backed up.  Make sure you do it, and make back ups of back ups... it's worth it!!

God bless you!


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Working on an Elephant...

You might be wondering why you have not seen any posts in the last couple of weeks.  My focus has been re-directed (for a season).

Here's a super short riddle:

What is not black, nor white
Overwhelming in size,
Only handled in small chunks?

You're right... two answers... an elephant can be eaten--one bite at a time, and so does one's office become uncluttered and paperless!

It's addicting and freeing!  If you're local (or not) and would like help scanning, shredding, getting more organized with documents already on your computer, and eliminating the drowning feeling from excess paper from your home office, I can help.  Since I started, I have dumped, scanned, and shredded about 5,000 sheets of paper!  What Freedom!

Have a blessed and wonderful week!

On purpose to rise above the elephant and massive amounts of paper!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Callling Aspiring Writers...

July 24, 2010 is our next gathering.

Casselberry Library
215 N. Oxford Road, 407-665-1500
2:00-4:00 p.m. - Shoebox Ministries by Carol Leff
Room 139 (near side entrance)

You may bring a cold lunch and a covered beverage. Bring your laptop or notebook to take notes. Come with your questions and a friend. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 407.551.0734.

Carol Leff of Shoebox Ministries will be presenting a new ministry for aspiring writers that will officially begin in the fall.  If you're interested in having her present to your group, please join us to see what it's all about -- 2-4:00 p.m.

If you need to schedule a personalized computer training class, writing, or publishing workshop for yourself, call 407.551.0734 to make an appointment. Our prices will vary depending on your need or request.
Have a blessed week!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A More Challenging Riddle...

This one has a few answers, but I'm looking for only one.  If you answer it correctly, you'll be entitled to 20% off your next book purchase through me directly, or through our online store (http://www.store.rpjandco.com/).

Since there has been so much intrigue and curiosity with this riddle, I decided to give everyone the opportunity to win some cash.  Follow this link, http://www.store.rpjandco.com/ and click on "Answer the Riddle." Every answer will cost $1.00. We will write a check out to the WINNER for half of the money received.

Have fun!


I possess powerful qualities
Most people want the benefits
yet are unwilling to make the sacrifice.

I have the power to heal
But I can’t be found
in hospitals or medical buildings.

Most doctors refuse to tell you about me
But you can find me
in most homes throughout the country.

I come with a price
But money’s not my game.

I'm not expensive
And I cleanse deep within.

I have purifying and redeeming powers
And strengthen every human body.

I have the power to destroy
And the power to heal.

Do you know what I am?
Do you know my name?

Copyright (c) Kathleen Schubitz | All Rights Reserved

Be sure to make your answer count. Purchase your chance today; http://www.store.rpjandco.com/

Sunday, June 6, 2010

What's My Name?

If you send me the answer to the poetic riddle, you will be entitled to receive 10% off the purchase of any book through our online store (http://www.store.rpjandco.com/).

My inspiration came by way of a sermon heard today. It was not the title or subject of the sermon, just some words used during the pastor's message.



What’s My Name?

I’m a small-size rectangle
But I come in many sizes
I’m often used for exchange
But I’m flat and exciting.

If I were your friend
You’d want plenty more
No matter how many you had
You’d always want more.

Some people will harm others to get me
I have the power to bring great distress
Some people will give me away freely
But wise men know the value I possess.

I cause suicidal tendencies
Because of the power within
I’ve been known to rescue many
But I have the power to make you sin.

If you make a wise choice
You’re sure to be a winner
God will sing and rejoice
If you share me with others.

Kathleen Schubitz
© June 6, 2010 / All Rights Reserved

Saturday, June 5, 2010

A New Beginning

Another blog account!  My first poetry book was printed in 2004.  A new color poetry book was published in 2010, and I'm working on a third!

Here's a brief bio:
Kathleen Schubitz is a living testimony of God’s love and His power to save to the uttermost! As one of six children raised in a dysfunctional, alcoholic home, she left home at the age of 18 to survive, searching for love and acceptance she craved. Instead, she found more abuse and intense pain. In desperation, she turned to the very thing she hated, alcohol and drugs, to escape a world of dark sorrows.

Searching for an answer, Jesus, the True Lover of her soul, entered in and captured her heart forever! She experienced first hand His redeeming love and restorative power and total forgiveness. With a desire to love her Creator without limitations, she expresses her overwhelming gratitude through poetry, music, writing, and dance. Her fervent hope is to see others healed, whole, and complete in Christ. Her writing is the vehicle that will inspire others to seek the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Now with a constant flow of words coming forth, revised editions of books have been and will continue to be published.  In the meantime, I thought some of the poetry could be enjoyed by other readers (and poets).

God's creativity for writing comes through many experiences. My prayer is that sharing them with those who enjoy poetry will be inspired.

Kathleen Schubitz, Christian Author & Publisher